Talk of the Thames
Talk of the Thames
What is the State of the Thames? With Alison Debney at Zoological Society of London
What lives in the Thames? From the things we can see like seals and crabs to the invisible elements like oxygen and nitrate. Find out why the Thames has that signature brown colour and why it is actually a good thing! This episode is all about the recently published State of the Thames Report 2021 by the Zoological Society of London and we are greeted with the lovely and knowledgeable Alison Debney, ZSL's Senior Conservation Programme Manager to tell us all about it. Hosted by our new podcast producer Chloe Russell.
To read the State of the Thames Report 2021, visit: https://www.zsl.org/sites/default/files/ZSL_TheStateoftheThamesReport_Nov2021.pdf
Talk of the Thames has been brought to you by Thames Estuary Partnership https://www.thamesestuarypartnership.org/
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