Talk of the Thames

The Success Stories of The Thames Catchment Community Eels Project

Thames Estuary Partnership Season 3 Episode 5

Join us for a special episode released on World Fish Migration Day about The Thames Catchment Community Eels Project. We are joined by six organisations in total, Thames Rivers Trust who led the project, Action for the River Kennet, South East Rivers Trust, Thames21, Zoological Society of London and Thames Estuary Partnership

This huge collaboration was driven to aid the long-term survival of the European eel. The result of this two year project has been useful for opening up dialogue with the Environment Agency (EA) when prioritising barriers; useful for collecting citizen science data for discovering unrecorded barriers; and for bringing in a sense of community and camaraderie within local areas including school workshops. 

With special thanks to our guests speakers, listed in chronological order of speaking in the episode, Anna Forbes at Thames Rivers Trust, Jess Mead at The South East Rivers Trust, Philly Nicholls at Thames21, Mia Riddler at Action for the River Kennet, Azra Glover at Zoological Society of London, and Wanda Bodnar at Thames Estuary Partnership. 

To find out more information about the project, visit 

To see the Fish Migration Map and gif, visit 


Talk of the Thames has been brought to you by the Thames Estuary Partnership


Produced and Presented by Chloe Russell.