Talk of the Thames
Talk of the Thames
In Conversation with Dr. Wallace J Nichols, Author of 'Blue Mind'
Have you heard of the term 'blue mind'? Perhaps it's something you are all too familiar with unconsciously, and never thought about before. Do you enjoy being in, around, near, or under water? There is ample amount of research telling us why that could be the case. Join us as we speak with Author Dr. Wallace J Nichols about his research of why being around water makes us happier and more connected.
Find out more about Dr. Nichols' work on https://www.wallacejnichols.org/104/about-j.html
We wish you water. Celebrate World Blue Mind Day on July 23rd. Share your story using the #bluemind hashtag.
Talk of the Thames has been brought to you by the Thames Estuary Partnership https://www.thamesestuarypartnership.org/
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Produced and Presented by Chloe Russell.