Talk of the Thames
Talk of the Thames
In Conversation with Lara Maiklem, River Thames Mudlarker and Author
Have you noticed people on the foreshore of the River Thames with their heads down searching for something? Have you ever wondered what they could possibly find? In this episode we address what this activity is - it is none other than mudlarking! And we have none other than River Thames mudlarking enthusiast Lara Maiklem telling us about all things mudlarking.
Lara is a British author, editor and publishing consultant known for her writing and speaking on mudlarking, she is also a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. One of her books, 'Mudlarking Lost and Found In The River Thames' was awarded Sunday Times Bestseller, an Observer Book Of The Year, Radio 4 Book Of The Week and Winner of the 2020 Indie Book Award for Non-Fiction.
Join us as we dig and delve into the world of mudlarking and Lara's personal anecdotes on how she fell in love it!
Correction at 26:00: There is no known colony of seahorses near the Greenwich Peninsula. It is most likely, however, that seahorses live in the part of the Thames Estuary where there are flooded areas of saltmarsh and seagrass meadows. The one’s seen in the river or on the foreshore in the city are those that get washed upstream with the incoming tide.
This episode was recorded in February 2022.
Talk of the Thames has been brought to you by the Thames Estuary Partnership https://www.thamesestuarypartnership.org/
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Produced and Presented by Chloe Russell.